My first posting on my blog~!
I'm really excited about my new product which I'm calling Window Art... I like the idea of taking my photographs and photoshopped photographs and create a piece of art that can go on any window or glass surface.
It has a stained glass feel to it and like stained glass when the sunlight comes through it, it really pops~!
When the size of the transparency can be as small as 5" x 5" it's quite versatile, but when you can go as large as 36" x 48" then it really becomes something amazing.
Currently, I'm able to offer Window Art that has a white or opaque background which allows for a solid enough backing to let light through so you can see the image well.
I'm also developing a clear version that I'm working on, but it's more of a fine art piece and on a different kind of transparency...
I'll update as I know more~!